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About us


Due to its long development history, Datong district now has high population density and many old houses. During the building of the MRT XinZhuang and Luzhou Line, there were serious traffic problems in Datong district. According to the livelihood statistics of Taipei City in 2007, the ratio of Accidental Injuries (one of the ten major causes of death) in Datong district was 18.97, standing as number one in the twelve districts of Taipei. Within this ratio, 45.8% were “Transportation Accidents”. Due to the above reason, Datong district government, Datong District Health Center and Community Partners started the Safety Communities Program in 2007. We tend to the needs of different communities to achieve our main goals such as promoting household safety, school safety, riverside safety, traffic safety, business district safety and injury prevention. In October 2010, Datong district was certified by the International Safe Community Certifying Centre and became the 220th International Safe Community. In 2015, we were certified again under the standard of WHO CCCSP’s seven standards on “Safe Communities”. To maintain permanent safety in our communities and to promote the “Datong Safe Community Sustainable Program” we will continue to carry out safety promotion strategies and look forward to the reduction of accidents.


  • 大同安全社區於2010年成為全球第220個通過認證的國際安全社區,依WHO CCCSP所訂定「安全社區」七大準則及每5年需重新認證一次之機制,推動「大同安全社區永續營造計畫」,整合社區資源與建立合作關係,鼓勵社區永續推動社區安全營造工作。

  • 以大同安全與健康進會為主體,依社區特性與民眾需求推動安全促進方案,凝聚社區共識與資源,持續各項事故傷害防制與安全促進工作。
  • 藉由傷害監測機制,蒐集社區傷害資料並分析了解事故傷害特性,作為推動工作之依據及成效評估,得以持續營造安全社區並永續發展。
  • 藉由已認證成為國際安全社區,持續強化社區內產官學民投入安全社區營造之願景與行動力,以營造更安全與健康的生活文化與環境。


  • 準則一:安全社區必須具備一個基於夥伴和合作關係的跨領域團體,來指揮運作推動社區安全促進的工作。
  • 準則二:安全社區必須有長期性和永續性的計畫,並且能涵蓋所有性別、年齡層、環境和情況。
  • 準則三:安全社區計畫中必須要有以高危險群和高危險環境為目標對象的計畫,還要有對易受傷害的族群作 安全促進的計畫。
  • 準則四:安全社區計畫的推動必須基於實證資料。
  • 準則五:安全社區計畫必須能提供傷害的頻率和受傷原因的紀錄。
  • 準則六:安全社區必須有對計畫內容執行過程及改善效果的評估。
  • 準則七:安全社區必須能持續的參與國內和國際的安全社區活動。

Livelihood Statistics(According the population data of Datong district in 2015)

  • Total population of Datong: 130,929,Sex ratio: 1:1.04. Population has risen in recent years. Elders above the age of 65 form 15.1% of our population, higher than the average rate in Taipei (11%). We put our care for elders first.

Population Chart of Datong District in 2013-2015

2013 2015 en

Source: Household Registration Office, Datong District, Taipei City

Rate of Death by Injuries in Datong District

The rate of death by injuries in Datong was higher than Taipei City in 2009 and gradually fell in 2010-2014. In 2013 and 2014, the rate was lower than Taipei City.

curve2016 en

Cross-field Teams

  • In 2007, we officially launched the Safety Community Program, with Director Hsieh Cheng-Chun of Datong district as its organizer. He gathered up officials and private departments to create a cross-field collaboration team and organized the “Taipei Datong Safe and Health Promotion Association.”
  • In September 2010, we officially established the Taipei Datong Safe and Health Promotion Association. Later we elected Chairman Hsieh Chung-Hsien of Taipei Business and Industrial Confederation as the first Chairman of the Taipei Datong Safe and Health Promotion Association and the association passed the certification of the International Safe Community Certifying Centre.
  • In October 2012, Chairman Hsieh Chung-Hsien was elected as our second Chairman. In October 2014, re-election was held and Lin Shen-Lung of Ching-an community development association was elected our third chairman.
  • In September 2016, Chairman Lin Ding-Guo of the Ningxia Night Market was elected as our fourth Chairman and is still promoting community safety with seven standards of WHO CCCSP.


We hold the WHO CCCSP seven standards of community safety to promote safety in our own communities. Our goal is to prevent injuries from happening and create a safer community so that we may achieve “Safety, Health and Culture in Datong”.

Geographical Environment and Cultural Characteristics

Datong district is located in the west part of Taipei city. There are 25 villages and 524 neighborhoods in Datong, the smallest district in Taipei with a size of 5.68 km2. Tamsui River forms our western borders with a length of 3.8 km and 8 villages. There are two docks, Dadaocheng and Dunhaung.